The essential steps in creating a 2D explainer video

December 13, 2023

2D explainer videos have become an essential tool for communicating ideas, concepts and information in a clear and engaging way. Whether you're an entrepreneur wanting to present a product, a teacher wanting to illustrate a complex concept or simply someone wanting to share a story, creating an effective 2D explainer video requires a combination of art, storytelling and animation techniques. In this article, we'll take you through the steps involved in making an outstanding 2D explainer video.

  1. Pre-production phase
    1. Briefing and understanding the project
    2. Writing the script
    3. Script development
    4. Voice-over production
  2. Production phase
    1. Editing
    2. Animation
    3. Camera layout
    4. Adding transitions
    5. Adding sound effects
  3. Delivery phase

Pre-production phase

This is the first stage in the creation of a 2D explainer video, during which the production team carefully prepares the main process. This phase includes the following actions :

  1. Briefing and understanding the project

The success of an explainer video depends largely on good planning. Since there will be many interrelated tasks and dependencies, the production team must begin by understanding the project's objectives and implications. In other words, it's essential to draw up specifications to ensure that nothing is overlooked, and that the message of the explainer video, its main objective and the audience for which it is intended, are always kept in mind. At this stage, it's important to have a clear idea of the concept and a precise definition of requirements in terms of resources (financial, material, technical skills).

  1. Writing the script

Once you've defined the strategy, objective, theme and main idea in the brief, you can write a solid script that explains the subject of the video in a fluid and coherent way.

When writing it, make sure that these aspects stand out :

  • Focus on the problem and address the customer's "pain point"

Start by identifying and clearly stating the problem or issue the product or service solves. Understand the challenges the audience is facing and create an emotional connection by showing that you understand their situation.

  • Present the product as a solution to an existing problem and emphasize its individual added value

Explain how the product or service solves the problem outlined above. Highlight the unique features or specific advantages that set it apart from the competition. Show how it can improve people's lives or work.

  • Include a call-to-action for extra engagement

End the script by encouraging the viewer to take action. Whether it's to visit a website, subscribe to a newsletter or make a purchase, be sure to include a clear and convincing call-to-action.

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  1. Script development

The next step after writing the script is to create a visual scenario that will support and illustrate the ideas and points made in the script.

Here's how to develop individual picture scenes and organize them logically to tell a flowing story:

  1. Scène by scène

Review your script and identify the key moments or important messages to be conveyed at each stage. Each scene should correspond to a particular point in the script.

  1. Create detailed descriptions

For each scene, write a detailed description of what is to be shown on screen. Include information on characters, settings, actions and key visual elements. Make sure these descriptions correspond to the content of the script.

  1. Storyboard

The creation of a storyboard is essential. This is a series of sketches or illustrations visually representing each scene. You can also use storyboarding software to create more precise images if required. The storyboard will enable all stakeholders to visualize the visual sequence of the video.

  1. Logical organization

Organizing scenes in a logical order helps create a fluid narrative. It ensures that images flow coherently and support the narrative of the script.

  1. Scene transitions

Think about transitions between scenes. Using visual effects or animations to link scenes together seamlessly, so that the video doesn't look fragmented.

  1. Duration management

Keeping in mind the total duration of an explainer video; it's important that each scene fits into the planned timing.

  1. Revision and adjustments

Once the elaborate visual script has been completed, it is submitted for appraisal, either to the client or to the team members who did not participate in its elaboration.

This stage is crucial to transforming the script into a captivating visual experience. It helps ensure that the images effectively support the message to be conveyed in the 2D explainer video.

  1. Voice-over production

Producing the voice-over is an important step in creating a 2D explainer video. Recording a clear, modulated voice-over in harmony with the tone of the video is essential, because the voice-over is the voice of the video, and it must be impeccable.

Production phase

The aim of the production phase, which follows pre-production, is to create animation by bringing together all the resources needed to produce the scenes. This phase comprises several important actions, including :

  1. Editing

Editing a 2D explainer video involves several essential aspects. Firstly, it requires the methodical organization of the various visual sequences to create a coherent narrative. Secondly, it requires a smooth transition between the different scenes. In this phase, visual elements such as special effects and transitions can be integrated to reinforce the video's message. A fundamental component of editing is the integration of characters. This stage enables the audience to better grasp the video's content. Characters are brought to life by placing them in scenes and animating their movements in accordance with the storyboard. This is crucial, as it helps the audience identify with the characters and understand the role they play in the overall plot.

  1. Animation

When it comes to animation, it's essential to ensure that the elements are well synchronized, both with each other and with the voice-over. Animation must be fluid, believable and captivating if the video is to achieve its objective effectively. Advanced animation software can be used to create realistic, expressive movements for characters and scene elements.

  1. Camera layout

Camera layout is an important part of creating your explainer video. It determines the angles and perspectives the audience will see. The choice of these angles can have a huge impact on how the story is perceived. Zooming in and out, vertical and horizontal camera movements are all important.

  1. Adding transitions

Transitions are like bridges between different scenes in a video. They keep the narrative flowing smoothly, helping the audience to move from one idea to the next without confusion. The use of fluid transitions to visually link scenes, whether through crossfades, clean cuts or other subtle effects. Good use of transitions reinforces the continuity of the story.

  1. Adding sound effects

To reinforce the emotional impact of your explainer video, don't forget to integrate appropriate sound effects. Background music and ambient noise can add a layer of emotion and realism to your visual narrative. Make sure that the music doesn't cover up the voice-over, but rather complements it to create an immersive experience for the audience. Well-chosen sound effects can also highlight key moments and reinforce engagement.

Delivery phase

The final stage in the creation of the 2D explainer video is crucial to ensuring that the project reaches its audience in the best possible way. Each of the above-mentioned phases must be submitted to the customer for approval before moving on to the next phase. This ensures that the customer is fully involved in the creative process, allowing the 2D explainer to be adjusted and refined according to his or her specific needs and preferences. Customer approval at every stage is essential to ensure final satisfaction and relevance of the result.

In short, creating a successful 2D explainer video is a process that requires careful planning, creativity and patience. By following the key steps from pre-production to production to delivery, and paying particular attention to clarity of message, visual consistency and fluidity of animation, you'll be able to produce an explainer video that informs, engages and captivates your target audience. This combination of technical and artistic skills will enable you to effectively communicate your ideas, concepts and information in a compelling and memorable way. So get started on your next 2D explainer video and let your creativity shine!