2D explainer video : a powerful visual communication tool

December 13, 2023

In an increasingly saturated media landscape, the way we communicate visually is of crucial importance. Among the tools at our disposal, 2D explainer videos are emerging as a particularly effective and engaging choice. Whether you're a large company, a medium-sized or small business, an NGO or a state institution, this article has been developed to help you understand the power of 2D explainer videos in achieving your communication, marketing or awareness-raising objectives.

  1. Why choose a 2D explainer video ?
  2. What is the purpose of a 2D explainer video ?
    1. Communication
    2. Emotional connection
    3. Persuasion and action
  3. Bonus
    1. Define a clear objective
    2. Know your audience
    3. Tell a story
    4. Use powerful visuals
    5. Offer added value
    6. Call to action

Why choose a 2D explainer video ?

A 2D explainer video is much more than just a succession of moving images. It's a means of visual communication that transcends language and cultural barriers, while offering unparalleled artistic flexibility and narrative potential.

Read our articles on the advantages of 2D explainer videos over other formats and 2D explainer videos: how they can boost your business to find out more.

What is the purpose of a 2D explainer video ?

The purpose of a 2D explainer video focuses on the ability to communicate, connect and persuade the audience, because the desired result is to create an emotional and/or intellectual bond between you and your target audience. This connection goes beyond simply conveying information.

  1. Communication

The primary objective of a 2D explainer video is to communicate a clear and meaningful message. This communication requires careful planning of the video's structure, dialogues, information presented and channels. The content must be organized in such a way as to be easy to convey, understand and remember.

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  1. Emotional connection

A well-produced 2D explainer video can evoke laughter, tears and memorable moments - in short, emotions and feelings. So using personal stories, anecdotes or testimonials can help make that connection by showing that you understand and share the same feelings as your audience.

  1. Persuasion and action

Persuasion aims to influence the public's opinions, attitudes and behaviors. In this context, the 2D explanatory video must present convincing arguments and strong evidence to support the main message. When emotions are aroused and information is presented convincingly, viewers are more inclined to take action, whether to buy a product, embrace an idea or support a cause.

By combining these elements in the creation of your 2D explainer video, you'll be able to captivate your audience, memorably convey your message and convincingly achieve your communication objectives. 2D explainer video offers narrative and visual power that can propel your message across linguistic and cultural boundaries, while creating lasting emotional bonds with your audience. So harness this power to effectively communicate your ideas, products or causes.


  1. Define a clear objective 

Before creating your video, determine exactly what you want to achieve. Do you want to inform, inspire, persuade or a mixture of all of these?

  1. Know your audience

Understand your target audience. What are their concerns, interests and needs? By tailoring the video content to their perspective, you'll increase the chances of creating a meaningful connection.

  1. Tell a story

Stories captivate attention and enable audiences to identify with characters and situations. Incorporate narrative elements to make the video more engaging.

  1. Use powerful visuals

Images, graphics and videos can reinforce the message and help convey emotions more effectively than words alone. Les images, les graphiques et les vidéos peuvent renforcer le message et aider à transmettre des émotions plus efficacement que les mots seuls.

  1. Offer added value

Make sure the video content brings something useful or interesting to the audience. This could be in the form of relevant information, practical advice or unique insights.

  1. Call to action

End the video with a call to action. Whether it's to share the video, sign up for a newsletter, buy a product or support a cause, a clear call to action can help make the video's impact a reality.